August 01, 2020

Hello Internet!

This is my first blog post about launching my first site

Introduction Coffee

Hello World! Welcome to my space on the Internet. My name is Mohammad Aziz I’m a software developer at My role is as Full-Stack Developer. That means, I wear many of hats 🎩.

Nowadays, I’m reading a book by Shaw Wang on coding career and inspired by the book I decided to do what I wanted to do since about a year. I purchased and started my journey today.

I will start writing about the things I learn each day at work. Maybe I won’t be writing about them each day but after a couple of days, combining my findings and write about. I hope you find this a interesting place to be at and I’ll try to provide as valuable information possible.

I’m keeping this blog short for now because I’m very tired today and also because I need to push these codes just now.

To wrap up, this is the context about the platform. I’m a JavaScript developer that means you can expect posts about TypeScript, Node.js, React.js and may more things. I’m also interested in Go but don’t use it more frequently at work so my experience with Go is not as good as JavaScript but it’s improving.