November 30, 2020

How to Auto Reload Golang Applications?

Learn how to reload golang applications without too much manual work

Introduction Coffee

Photo by Tim Swaan on Unsplash

You wanted to develop quick, you wanted to develop fast and there is nothing more tedious for a developer than doing the same thing again and again.

I really HATE doing repetitive work. Probably that’s why I become a programmer to automate the boring stuff.

Foundation (a server)

I have been exploring Go, you might be aware since my previous post was written for itself. You can spin up a simple Go server with the following code.

package main

import "net/http"

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  fmt.Fprintln(w, "hello")

func main() {
  http.HandleFunc("/echo", handler)

  http.ListenAndServe(":3000", nil)

The above code creates a simple server that listens on port 3000 and if you hit http://localhost:3000/echo you will receive “hello” as a message.

To run the go server we should run the command below

go run .

I call this the “tedious code”. I don’t care about it but I care what it does for me, it runs my application.

I want changes, right now!

Now, if you do any changes to the code you have run the “tedious code” again, and again, and again…

You get it 🙄

If you are a lazy developer you must be thinking about what is the the better way to do it?

Your computer can help you will that for sure.

Conventional way

One of the most popular ways to auto-reload your application on any kind of change is by using air.

It is written in, no surprise, Go.

To install head over to their installation section. Do it, so that you can follow along. If you are feeling lazy then last time when I check their docs this was the command to do it.

curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin

Is it done? Good.

This command has two parts. First, to download the binary and second, to move the binary to Go’s binary path. The binary path is at $(go env GOPATH)/bin.

With all the things in place, you might be ready to start using the air command. But let’s verify it first. Does the below command works?

air -v

If it is, great! If not and you might be getting a command not found error. Most probably the Go binary is not set to your shell’s path. Usually, it’s fixed by adding the below command to your shell’s resource file (e.g. .zshrc, .bashrc):

export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin

Open a new shell after adding the above line so new changes are reflected. Now the previous command should be working.

The next step, run the application! Move to the application which you want to run with the auto-reload feature and just start it with the command mentioned:


This will start your application and when you make any changes it will listen to those and reload it automatically.

Unconventional way

If you are/were a JavaScript developer you might be familiar with the steps mentioned onwards.

Firstly, you need to install Node.js.

I know, you must be thinking about how Node.js can help you to reload your Go code? Just bear with me and you will know how.

Once Node.js is installed on your system you will be able to run the command below.

npm install -g nodemon

It will install a package called nodemon in your system and you will be able to run it from the command line.

Command to Auto Reload

Now you can start you Go application with the command mentioned below.

nodemon --exec go run . --ext go

Let’s break it down.

It will watch for any files with .go extension in the current directory and if any change in the go files will execute the go run . command again.


You can reload your server apps or any other app which needs a constant restart to reflect the changes by using tools like air and nodemon. Although both methods get your job done I personally use the air cli to reload my app because I find it fast and easier to use.